Sunday, September 1, 2013

Summer fades into Fall

I'm baaaackkk! I took the summer off from blogging - what a whirlwind it was. I still can't believe we are now into September.  I will be posting pics from the summer I am struggling with a cold and feeling worn out.   We just got back from delivering Sami to BYU for the year and are relaxing today.  What a quick trip!  I flew down on Thursday, and Dan and Sami drove straight through and arrived 9:30pm that night.  We spent the night with our friends the Piranio's (who just moved to Utah) and then spent the next two days shopping and unpacking.  We managed to go to Crown Burger and Cafe Rio...OH YUM!  As always it was hard to say goodbye to Sami at the airport, but I am confident that she is where she is supposed to be, and that this year will be a great one for her.  In 10 days we'll do it again - and take David to BYU I...

1 comment:

Sami said...

welcome back, Mommy!