Sunday, September 15, 2013

A love hate relationship

I have a love/hate relationship with technology.  I sometimes can make magic happen  - especially when it has to do with the billing program I work with, but I really believe that is heavenly help doing that, not me.  Most of the time I end up having to ask one of my kids to help.  I often find myself trying to turn the TV on and literally can't without their help.  So I've been sitting here for the last 45 minutes trying to figure out how to download my pictures from our trip to Rexburg from my phone....I ended up downloading the "cloud" and now have a complete backup of my pictures and documents of my PC....but no pictures from my phone.  I DID call both kids...they actually weren't able to help. So I'm going to resort to looking it up online...and then if that doesn't work, I'll post a "I'm dumb" post on facebook for help.  I'm actually loving my smart phone, I only wish it would pass along it's "smarts" to me!  Hopefully next week's post will have pics from my trips...til then....

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