Sunday, March 17, 2013

Just Listen

Often in our rush, rush world we have to solve problems quickly, and often on a moments notice. We are quick to take in our surroundings and make quick assessments.  What can I do, How can I do it, and How quickly can I make it happen?  It is a good skill for 90% of our lives.  We multitask..and at the end of the day of managed to take care of SO much!  What great skills!  The small portion of our lives, that 10%, is when we don't do as well.  It is when we should stop multitasking and pay attention - and LISTEN.  Occasionally we have those people that come into our  lives that need us to slow down...stop multitasking...and just listen.  Sometimes the pat answers we have in our 'quiver' of quick answers aren't appropriate. Sometimes, being a good friend/support means that we sit back and let time pass...and let the person sitting across from us us trying to solve what is wrong. In our great multitasking worlds we need to STOP...ASSESS...and then LISTEN.  Sometimes our loved ones don't need us to SOLVE...they just need us to LOVE by LISTENING.  Listening takes time...often the hardest gift to give.

On a lighter note, lets do a check in shall we?

1.  Last week ended up being a good week.  I struggled with sleep issues and due to that didn't work as many hours as I intended.  At first I was very frustrated with myself, but when I stopped to think about it I realized my life was off balance - AGAIN! I sat back, took stock, and reordered my work/life balance.  I'm feeling better about that now.

2.  Part of my sleep problem was Roo.  I thought once my kids got old enough that I was done getting up in the  middle of the night for sickies....WRONG. Adopt a dog with a conscience and you are back in the saddle.  She had a stomach bug last week and took to pacing each night at about 1am and then 3 am needing to go out.  I really am grateful she didn't just get sick and not wake us up, but it was hard not getting a full nights sleep!

3.  One of the best parts about this time of year is the weather...and one of the worst parts of about this time of year is the weather!  I loved the beautiful last Saturday - oh my! I mowed and picked up branches that had fallen during the winter...I filled holes the dogs had dug and took a look at the garden.  I can't wait to have more than one sunny day a week!

I'm looking forward to this next week.  Goals set, head up, ready to go!

1 comment:

Sami said...

<3 thank you. I love you!