Monday, August 3, 2009

Boys of Summer

This is not happy post, nor a funny one. I have been agonizing all day over some news that I received. I believe this happened Sunday...Four boys that were on the varsity baseball team at my children's high school were involved in an accident. A preventable accident. This entry is not to place blame, or stand in judgement - it is just one mother's view of a terrible, awful happening. These boys were at the height of their lives. 18 - newly graduated seniors with their whole lives ahead of them. They decided to drink and drive. Now one of them is dead, one is critically injured, one is in jail facing dire consequences of being the driver, and one walked away with no physical injuries, but probably enough emotional injuries to last a lifetime. I've seen these boys - I saw them all get awards at the baseball award banquet. I believe they all signed my daughter's yearbook. What a waste. I feel deeply for their parents and the anguish they must feel. I feel for the boys themselves, and the awful realization of the consequences they must now face. How I wish they could be boys of summer one more time.


Carlie said...

Something similar happened when I was a Senior in HS. Very sad. good to hear from you! I'd actually been checking up on your blog when I got to a computer. I'll be keeping in touch more once the kids start school. Email hi to Sami for me and punch David in the arm for Sis. Hills!!

mamaseversike said...

Doggone it. They just don't think it can happen to them. I'm so sorry. I feel the same way about kids who commit suicide. They don't get it that it's forever. Oh, for 'do-overs'. :(