Saturday, April 14, 2007


One of my most favorite things in the world is to sleep in. As a mom, now often does that happen? Kids and hubby need lunches during the week, and weekends are often filled with chores that need to be done and not enough hours to do them! So today was one of those rare days. Kids and hubby left at 6 am - yes AM - to go fishing. I snuggled in after they left and drifted back to a warm comfy be awoken by howling. Not a few barks to let me know that someone had walked by the house or started their car, but consistent, persistent howling! Our two canine children decided it was a good time to practice for the local howl-in. About the time I was reaching for anything that could resemble a weapon they stopped. And the kids and hubby rolled in. Sigh.....maybe next time!

1 comment:

mamaseversike said...

Melinda! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! I had to do some sleuthing to find out who "should be..." was, but given the clues I think it's my sweet RS sister! Ah, the sleep thing, sure know what you mean. Sort of like "Just when you get this baby sleeping the toddler wakes up" syndrome. But we keep dreaming...